You wake up in your chair and look up at your co-worker’s concerned face. This is the third time today that they’ve spotted you napping at your desk. You don’t have a good excuse because you don’t have an excuse at all. You went to bed at a reasonable hour, but when you woke up, it felt like you had been up all night. What could be causing this? This is actually a common symptom of sleep apnea, a condition that affects about 18 million Americans every night. Dr. Richard Fossum wants you to know a little more about sleep apnea in Temple, as well as what can be done about it. (more…)
Do You Have Sleep Apnea in Temple?
December 29, 2016
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When To Visit the Emergency Dentist in Temple
December 12, 2016
You see an ambulance race by, lights blaring, and you sigh. You hope whoever is in it is going to be alright. It’s nice that there is a plan in place for when things really go very wrong. If you find yourself in an emergency, you just call 911 and you’ll be taken care of. However, this isn’t the best course of action if the emergency has to do with your teeth. Emergency rooms aren’t equipped to help you, so what should you do, where should you go? Today, Dr. Richard Fossum, your emergency dentist in Temple, wants to help you have a plan should you or your family ever severely injure their teeth. (more…)
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