Your Dentist in Temple Discusses the Importance of Flossing

July 20, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drfossum @ 4:32 pm

Your family dentist in Temple explains the importance of flossing daily.To protect the health of your teeth and gums, you brush your teeth well each day and visit your family dentist in Temple. You may think that you are doing a good job so you do not need to floss unless something gets stuck in your teeth. However, even with the best brushing habits, your toothbrush cannot reach in between the teeth or around the gum line. As a result, if you are not flossing, you are letting plaque and tartar build, increasing your risk for gum disease. At Fossum Dental Group, we know that you do not like to floss, but we encourage you to make it part of your oral hygiene routine to protect your smile.

Protect Your Smile with a Regular Visit to Your Dentist in Temple

July 10, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drfossum @ 4:27 pm

Your dentist in Temple provides cleanings and checkups for a healthy smile.You take a proactive approach to protect the health of your teeth and gums. You brush and floss every day, but are you visiting your dentist in Temple regularly? If you are not, don’t worry, you are not alone as only 64% of adults saw their dentist last year. Often, it is believed that you only need to schedule an appointment if you are having issues, but this is not true. You need to visit every six months for a cleaning and checkup to protect your oral health from damage. At Fossum Dental Group, we will help you foster a life-long commitment to a healthy smile with preventive care.