Yellow Teeth: Causes and Treatment Options

June 30, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 9:27 pm
Woman smiling with teeth whitening in Temple
Mouth and teeth before and after whitening

June has come, and it is hot! The temperature combined with the humidity has you reaching for a cold glass of refreshing soda while cooling off on your porch. By July, you can see a noticeable difference in your teeth. Once white, they now have a yellow tinge and a few stains.

If this sounds familiar, then you are not alone. While aging and genetics both play a role in discoloration, everyday habits can also impact their brightness. Below are four common causes of yellow teeth and how teeth whitening in Temple can help restore your smile! 


How Your Dental Team Cleans Their Instruments

June 9, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 10:04 pm
Dentist in Temple cleaning tools

You were expecting a reminder about your summer dental appointment, but you didn’t anticipate the anxiety that would come with it. After all, when you scheduled this appointment at the start of 2020 there wasn’t a pandemic to consider. Now, there are stay-at-home orders in place and social distancing guidelines around every corner.

Fortunately, your dentist has practiced infection control guidelines set forth by the CDC and OHSA long before COVID-19. To ease your concerns about your upcoming appointment, your dentist in Temple is sharing how your dental team cleans their instruments.


6 Ways Your Dentist Prepares for Your Visit in COVID-19

May 18, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 6:56 pm
Temple dentist office and dental chair prepared for patient in COVID-19

In the past, your dentist and their team would wash their hands, put on a pair of clean gloves, and be ready for your appointment. However, much more goes into preparing for your visit during the coronavirus pandemic. In fact, your dental team is working tirelessly to safeguard your health before you even arrive to the practice. Here’s what your Temple dentist is doing to prepare for your appointment during COVID-19.


Social Distancing at Dental Appointments: How It’s Possible

May 1, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 3:05 am
People in line practicing social distancing as recommended by Temple dentist

After weeks in quarantine because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the country is slowly beginning to reopen. However, it’s vital to keep in mind that even as stay-at-home orders are being lifted, social distancing is the best way to protect yourself and others from the coronavirus. But how can you keep your distance from others when visiting your dentist? Here’s what your Temple dentist is doing to make social distancing a practical reality during your next appointment.


Decrease the Chances of a COVID-19 Dental Emergency by Eating This

April 10, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 10:04 pm

woman eating healthy to avoid visiting emergency dentist in TempleWith the COVID-19 pandemic peeking in several parts of the country, many Americans are under an order to shelter-in-place to prevent the spread of the virus. Most dentists have temporarily stopped providing any elective forms of care, like check-ups, cleanings and cosmetic procedures. However, if you have a dental emergency, you can still count on receiving the vital care you need. If possible, it’s always better to avoid a mishap from happening. A local emergency dentist in Temple provides some helpful dietary tips that you can implement right now!


COVID-19: Is It a Crisis or Opportunity for Your Dental Care Habits?

April 2, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 12:07 pm

woman scraping tongue before visiting dentist in TempleThe COVID-19 outbreak has taken the country by storm, forcing businesses to shut down, schools to close and Americans to shelter in place. While these are tense and anxious times, is it possible that some opportunities have been presented? When it comes to making improvements in your oral care habits, your dentist in Temple says you have a chance to step-up your efforts. Read on to find out what you can do to take your dental care to the next level!


Healthy School Lunch Ideas to Protect Your Kids’ Teeth

March 10, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 9:12 pm

As a parent, you’re always concerned about every aspect of your kids’ wellbeing, which includes their food intake. To ensure they get the nutrients needed to function well and be as healthy as possible, you may choose to prepare their lunch at home instead of relying on their school’s cafeteria. With your busy life, you need some simple food ideas that will support their oral health instead of act as a hinderance. To help you out, a children’s dentist in Temple has some effective suggestions! <!—more--> Try Breakfast for Lunch If your kids are like most children, often, breakfast meals can be a “hit” for lunch or dinner. If you’re pushed for time, you can simply boil a few eggs and pack some fresh fruit and yogurt. This will provide your children with a protein-rich meal that will fortify their oral health and encourage their continued development.  Create Your Own Variety Pack Most kids love pre-packaged meal-snacks like Lunchables. The problem with such products is that they are usually loaded with preservatives that can have long-term health effects and contribute to poor oral health.  To generate the same excitement and sense of discovery that comes along with having a snack-pack, you can make your own variety box. You can look for a lunch box or Tupperware with small compartments that can hold different items to satisfy your children’s sense of adventure. Grill Some Lunch Kebabs If you’re looking for an excuse to break out the grill a little early, then preparing kebabs for the kiddos is a good one. On a single skewer, you can place protein (meat) and assorted vegetables. What’s even better is that this provides another way to save time while having the peace-of-mind of knowing that your children are eating healthy food that has been made with love. Prepare Soup and Salad A way to get your kids to eat healthy vegetables is to put them in a batch of soup. This will remove the visual and taste barriers that could get in the way. That’s because the soup will mask and perfectly marry the different flavors to make for a delicious and nutritious meal. Then, as long as they’re able to use their favorite dressing, many kids will eat a salad. By packing a small one to go along with their lunch, you’ll know that they’re getting even more key nutrients. Coming up with food solutions for your children simply takes a little creativity and strategizing. The good news is that the efforts you put forth today will pay-off majorly in fortifying their oral health tomorrow! About the Author For over 20 years, Dr. Richard Fossum has been providing dental health solutions for family members of all ages. The University of Texas Dental Branch in Houston graduate not only meets the comprehensive needs of his patients; he also offers expert guidance to help them experience the absolute best in dental health. Dr. Fossum provides personalized and effective dentistry at Fossum Dental Group, and he can be reached for more information through his website. As a parent, you’re always concerned about every aspect of your kids’ wellbeing, which includes their food intake. To ensure they get the nutrients needed to function well and be as healthy as possible, you may choose to prepare their lunch at home instead of relying on their school’s cafeteria. With your busy life, you need some simple food ideas that will support their oral health instead of act as a hinderance. To help you out, a children’s dentist in Temple has some effective suggestions!


What are the Leading Causes of Tooth Discoloration?

March 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 6:08 pm

attractive young woman smiling showing bright white teethIf you’re a person who naturally smiles often, tooth discoloration can force you to deviate from your normal behavior for fear of ridicule or making a poor first impression. You’d like to know what the causes of the aesthetic blemishes are and what can be done to rejuvenate your smile. As you continue reading, a dentist in Temple lists the top contributors to teeth stains as well as some effective solutions.


Here are 5 Things You Should Absolutely Never Do with Your Teeth!

February 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 1:03 am

woman in red lipstick biting into ice cubeWithout your teeth, life can be pretty difficult. Thus, it’s best to take proper care of them. One way to protect your ivories is to know what activities can be harmful. To eliminate any guessing, your dentist in Temple has listed 5 bad habits you should avoid so that your teeth can remain healthy and strong for years to come!


Is It Really Possible for Your Oral Health to Impact Your Heart?

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 12:45 am

woman grey dress holding hands in shape of heartMedical professionals are returning to a more Pre-Cartesian way of practicing medicine: in a more holistic manner. That means they are paying closer attention to how issues in one area can affect other parts of the body. Such is the case with oral health. With this in mind, can dental negligence place you at a greater risk of developing heart problems? Your dentist in Temple provides the answer as you continue reading.


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