Have you been struggling in the area of dental care? If so, then as the new year gets underway, you have an amazing opportunity to turn things around. Not only will recommitting to excellent dental care help to prevent oral health issues, but it will also have a positive impact on your overall wellness. As you continue reading, a dentist in Temple explains why this is the perfect time to act by scheduling a semi-annual dental visit!
How to Make This Your Best Year Ever for Oral Health!
January 16, 2020
An Expert Explains How to Shop for Dental Implants
January 10, 2020
When it comes to replacing your missing teeth, the most reliable and effective solution is dental implants in Temple. While the benefits are undeniable, it’s important that you make the right decision about who you receive care from. As you continue reading, a local implant dentist reveals what you need to know when shopping for dental implants.
A Brighter and Revamped Smile to Display in the New Year!
December 19, 2019
If you’re like most people, as the new year approaches, you’re looking to finish the current 12-month cycle on a positive note. One way to go about this is to have your smile rejuvenated. If you have any teeth stains, then now is the perfect time to address them with teeth whitening in Temple. As you continue reading, you’ll discover the many benefits that await you by taking action now!
Holiday Stocking Stuffers That Promote Excellent Oral Health!
December 15, 2019
The discovery of what’s hidden inside a stocking is one of the fun and adventurous parts of the holiday season. While candy is a common stocking stuffer, your dentist in Temple says this is the year to start a new trend: to give teeth-friendly items in place of sugary delights. Read on to learn about some healthier alternatives that will help to prevent any holiday cavity development, and preserve your family’s beautiful smiles!
5 Healthy Holiday Tips to Protect Your Teeth and Gums!
November 24, 2019
Now that the crisp fall winds have begun to blow, it’s only right for you to start getting into the holiday mood. Unfortunately, at this time of the year, oral health can easily be placed on the “back-burner.” Your dentist in Temple says that you can still enjoy the festivities without compromising the health of your teeth and gums. Read on to discover 5 helpful tips for maneuvering through the holiday season while preserving your oral health!
What Should You Expect from a Dental Implant Procedure?
November 15, 2019
If you have any number of teeth missing, then dental implants in Temple provide the best solution. A titanium post that is surgically inserted into the jawbone, a dental implant mimics the natural function and stability of the original tooth root. This amounts to a beautiful smile and the ability to chew normally again. What should you expect from the implanting procedure, though? A local dentist provides the answer so you can plan accordingly.
Are These 5 Dental Myths True? A Local Dentist Settles the Case!
October 23, 2019
These days, you can find information online to support any stance on any argument. This applies across the board, even when it comes to dental health. As a result, there are far too many mistruths to weed through to get to the truth. This is where a professional comes in handy: to provide factual information. As you continue reading, learn from your dentist in Temple why these 5 dental myths just aren’t true!
Dental Implants – How Long Do They Last, and are They Right for Me?
October 15, 2019
Living with any number of missing teeth places you at a great disadvantage. It not only inhibits your ability to maintain a normal diet, but it can also compromise your oral health and put a dent in your confidence. There is a way, though, to overcome these challenges and regain the smile and functionality you once had: with dental implants in Temple. If you take this route, how long should you expect the implants to last? Furthermore, is the procedure worth it? A local implant dentist weighs in with some expert information to help you out!
5 Reasons to Take Advantage of Dental Insurance Before the Year Ends!
September 23, 2019
If you are fortunate enough to have dental insurance, then you have the power to steer your oral health in a positive direction. To reap the full benefits, though, it’s important for you to visit your dentist in Temple before the year ends. As you continue reading, learn 5 reasons why this is so critical and how taking action now can contribute to excellent oral health in the future!
Here’s What to Consider When Buying Your Next Toothbrush
August 15, 2019
Does it really matter what type of toothbrush you buy? After all, aren’t they all made equal? Your dentist in Temple says that to get the most from your oral hygiene and to protect your teeth and gums, it definitely matters what type of toothbrush you choose. As you continue reading, learn what to look for when making a selection, and discover why it’s so important to make the right choice. Additionally, get some key pointers on how to brush your teeth properly so you can enjoy excellent oral health down the road!