Protect Your Smile with a Regular Visit to Your Dentist in Temple

July 10, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drfossum @ 4:27 pm

Your dentist in Temple provides cleanings and checkups for a healthy smile.You take a proactive approach to protect the health of your teeth and gums. You brush and floss every day, but are you visiting your dentist in Temple regularly? If you are not, don’t worry, you are not alone as only 64% of adults saw their dentist last year. Often, it is believed that you only need to schedule an appointment if you are having issues, but this is not true. You need to visit every six months for a cleaning and checkup to protect your oral health from damage. At Fossum Dental Group, we will help you foster a life-long commitment to a healthy smile with preventive care.

End Dental Anxiety With Sedation Dentistry In Temple

June 24, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 12:56 pm

If you have dental anxiety, fears, or phobias – or even special needs – you can benefit from sedation dentistry in Temple from Fossum Dental Group. Did you know that up to 75% of Americans have some form of dental anxiety? Even celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, comedians like Kevin Hart, and championship athletes like LeBron James deal with fears about dental care. Although this condition is remarkably common, many people with dental anxiety avoid going to their oral healthcare professional until smile issues require advanced treatment. Since we’re dedicated to a compassionate approach to every patient we see, Fossum Dental Group can help with sedation dentistry in Temple. Learn more about their safe, effective options in this post.


The Beauty Of Dental Implants In Temple

June 21, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 12:59 pm

Want to restore your smile and bring back the gleaming pearly whites you once had? With dental implants in Temple from Fossum Dental Group, you can grin with confidence again! Did you know that missing teeth can contribute to the appearance of premature aging? Since losing dentitions also means you lose bone tissue, too, this can cause your jaw to decrease in density and make the lower portion of your face look “sunken” – making you look older than you are – and who wants that? Regardless of your actual age, dental implants in Temple can restore not only the youthful aesthetic of your grin, but also the functionality of your teeth, too. Learn more about the beauty of this restorative option from the trusted team at Fossum Dental Group.


Signs Of Gum Disease Explained By Your Dentist In Temple

May 24, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 10:16 am

Dr. Richard Fossum, your premier dentist in Temple, explains the signs of gum disease, as well as how to prevent and treat this common condition. Did you know that over half of all Americans have some form of gum disease? From gingivitis to its more advance stages, this common problem can wreak havoc on your mouth. Bad breath, gum recession, and tooth loss all happen as a result of gum disease, so it’s important to know what to look out for so you can prevent and treat it when it’s in the early stages. In this post, your premier dentist in Temple explains the signs and symptoms of gums disease. Learn more on how we can keep your smile healthy from Dr. Richard Fossum.


A Bright Summer Smile From Your Dentist In Temple

May 4, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 8:55 am

Dr. Richard Fossum DDS is the dentist in Temple you can trust to lighten your smile and make your teeth healthy, bright, and sparkly white.You love Texas – you’ve been here for about a year and the weather is one of the things you enjoy most. The warm climate and sunny days are definitely a perk compared to your snowy hometown and you’re excited that Summer is right around the corner. As you look forward to the barbecues, bonfires, and pool parties, you can’t help but smile – and when you do, your confidence drops because your teeth are dim and dull. You’re ready to make your pearly whites bright, and teeth whitening from Dr. Richard Fossum can give you the vibrant, sparkling smile you deserve. Learn more about how you can lighten your teeth for Summer from your trusted cosmetic dentist in Temple.


Best Ways To Keep Your Smile Healthy From Your Dentist In Temple

April 20, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 1:07 pm

How can you keep your teeth healthy and maintain good oral hygiene? Use these suggestions from your premier dentist in Temple. You visit your dentist in Temple twice a year and even set up reminders on your phone to make sure you don’t miss your appointments. And because you care so much about your teeth, you know that there are lots of important steps to follow to maintain your oral health between visits. But, are you missing anything? In this post, the team at Fossum Dental Group can make sure your at-home smile regimen is up to par by sharing their expertise on the best ways to keep your teeth healthy.


4 Tips to Find the Perfect Dentist in Temple

March 16, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 5:15 pm

What should you consider when choosing a dentist in Temple?You can get pretty much everything you need off of the internet these days. Previously, you could only have fun things like movies, books, and pizza delivered, but now you can buy just about anything. With only a few key strokes, a battalion of people getting their master’s degrees will instantly be at your door with groceries, toiletries, and probably a hot meal. One thing, however, that you can’t get through the internet is dental care–you still need to venture out into the world to take care of you and your family’s teeth. The question then is, how should you choose a dentist in Temple? You’ll literally find thousands of practices online, and it can be a bit overwhelming. Today, we’re going to make that choice nice and easy for you. Here are the 4 big things you should consider when choosing a family dentist in Temple. (more…)

Top 5 FAQs About Invisalign in Temple

February 28, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 8:28 pm

5 essential questions about Invisalign in Temple.You can manage your entire life on your phone from anywhere in the world. Cars are getting faster while using less fuel, and robots are becoming less science fiction and more reality with each passing day. Suffice it to say, the methods used to straighten your teeth have been advancing rapidly as well, giving the world Invisalign. You want to get your teeth straightened and you’ve heard of Invisalign, but you still have questions. How does it work? How long does it take? Why would you choose it instead of braces? Today, Dr. James Edmondson of Fossum Family Dental is going to answer 5 of the most common questions about Invisalign in Temple. (more…)

Get a One-Visit Crown with Your Dentist in Temple

January 19, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 2:21 pm

How can I get a same day dental crown from my dentist in Temple?You wake up and immediately go into 5th gear. You need to get the kids ready for school, and your partner usually needs a little help getting out of bed as well. Once everyone else is out the door, you can finally throw on your own clothes and head to work. Suddenly you’re cooking dinner, and before you know it, you’re back in bed. If most of your days fly by like this, it can seem impossible to find time to get your damaged teeth fixed. You’re too busy thinking about everyone else. People like you need dental care that fits into your packed schedule, and this is why Dr. Richard Fossum, your dentist in Temple, wants to give you a dental crown in just one visit. (more…)

5 New Year’s Habits from Your Dentist in Temple

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 2:21 pm

5 easy tips from your dentist in Temple. It’s a new year, which means one thing to many people: New Year’s Resolutions. What do you want to be better in 2017? Your health? Your appearance? Why not improve both by taking better care of your smile? These 5 healthy habits from your dentist in Temple, Dr. Richard Fossum, will help your teeth look and feel better than ever, and make other people take notice in 2017. (more…)

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