Do You Have Sleep Apnea in Temple?

December 29, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 10:03 pm

What is sleep apnea in Temple?You wake up in your chair and look up at your co-worker’s concerned face. This is the third time today that they’ve spotted you napping at your desk. You don’t have a good excuse because you don’t have an excuse at all. You went to bed at a reasonable hour, but when you woke up, it felt like you had been up all night. What could be causing this? This is actually a common symptom of sleep apnea, a condition that affects about 18 million Americans every night. Dr. Richard Fossum wants you to know a little more about sleep apnea in Temple, as well as what can be done about it. (more…)

When To Visit the Emergency Dentist in Temple

December 12, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 10:03 pm

When should I visit my emergency dentist in Temple?You see an ambulance race by, lights blaring, and you sigh. You hope whoever is in it is going to be alright. It’s nice that there is a plan in place for when things really go very wrong. If you find yourself in an emergency, you just call 911 and you’ll be taken care of. However, this isn’t the best course of action if the emergency has to do with your teeth. Emergency rooms aren’t equipped to help you, so what should you do, where should you go? Today, Dr. Richard Fossum, your emergency dentist in Temple, wants to help you have a plan should you or your family ever severely injure their teeth. (more…)

Get Holiday Ready with Your Cosmetic Dentist in Temple

November 21, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 8:58 pm

Can teeth whitening from my cosmetic dentist in Temple help me this season?The holidays are quickly approaching, and it’ll be New Year’s soon after. That means you are going to be spending a lot of extra time with friends and family. You want to go into all of the parties and dinners with confidence, and one of the best ways to do this is by knowing that you have a gorgeous smile. Teeth whitening is one of the simplest ways you can enhance your smile and look your best this season, and you can get it today from your cosmetic dentist in Temple, Dr. Richard Fossum. (more…)

Braces vs. Invisalign in Temple

November 1, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 11:58 pm

Why should I get Invisalign in Temple?You and your friends decided to go on a nice long hike today, and it’s been a great trip. The weather was just perfect and the vistas were beautiful. Now it’s finally time to enjoy the view from the top, but your friends immediately take out their cameras and phones and ask everyone to stand together. You know in a day or so, all of these pictures will be up on social media, and many of them will feature your crooked teeth. You’ve always been self-conscious about them, but you never could convince yourself that braces were right for you. They just seem so uncomfortable, but what else can you do? Dr. Richard Fossum wants you to know that you can now get the straighter smile you’ve always wanted with Invisalign in Temple. (more…)

How Dental Implants in Temple Can Help You

October 27, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 7:02 pm

Should I get dental implants in Temple? As you sit quietly at the party, you remember when you used to be the person everyone gathered around. Those days aren’t too far in the past, but the difference now is stark. You always looked forward to gatherings as a chance to catch up with old friends and meet new people, but now you just hope that no one will notice your missing teeth. Sometimes you’d rather just stay home. You can now get your confidence back with dental implants in Temple with Dr. Brook Elmore. (more…)

How To Choose Your Family Dentist in Temple

October 1, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 7:39 pm

Dr. Richard Fossum is your family dentist in Temple. Everything has come together and you’ve finally be able to organize the family portrait. Your goal was to get 3 generations in one shot, and your parents and kids are ready to go. To make everything easier, you’ve decided to serve as photographer as well. As you’re looking through the camera at your whole family’s smile, you inevitably start thinking about their teeth. You wish you could take them all to the same dental practice so you know that they’re well taken care of. You can now get that reliability with Dr. Richard Fossum, your family dentist in Temple. He has a number ways he can keep your family smiling. (more…)

Am I a candidate for Dental Implants in Temple?

September 22, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:50 pm

Are you a candidate for dental implants in Temple?Daily life can be a challenge when you’re missing even just one tooth. Eating the food you would normally enjoy becomes difficult, while talking and smiling in front of other people may feel embarrassing. Did you know that your oral health is also at risk when you’re missing a tooth? The good news is that dental implants may be the right solution for you, and your trusted team at Fossum Dental Group can help! Learn here if you’re a candidate for dental implants in Temple.


Use Your Insurance Benefits with Your Dentist in Temple

September 12, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 7:20 pm

Time to see your dentist in Temple and use those benefits.Have you ever asked yourself why perishable food have expiration dates? The easy answer is so you know when it goes bad, so you can throw it out and not get sick. The other reason they exist is so you know to consume all of the food before the date approaches. At the beginning of every year, dental insurance benefits reset. Many people still have benefits to use as the end of the year approaches. Unfortunately, they do no roll over from year to year. Here’s why you should see your dentist in Temple at Fossum Dental Group before the end of the year. (more…)

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