Which Thanksgiving Foods Could Stain Your Teeth?

November 21, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 12:31 pm
Thanksgiving foods that can stain teeth

Well, Thanksgiving is just a few days away. You’re likely pretty prepared by now, ready for family and feasting alike. That said, try to be careful when Turkey Day arrives. There are many Thanksgiving foods that can stain teeth. As such, poor eating choices could discolor your smile amidst the fun. Still, your Temple dentist can help you avoid or fix that problem. Read on to learn how grins get stained, which Thanksgiving foods stain teeth, and how to treat tooth stains.


Ways to Avoid Oral Health Issues on Halloween

October 20, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 3:33 pm

Well, it’s late October once again. You know what that means – Halloween is right around the corner! Soon enough, you’ll see trick-or-treaters going door-to-door for sweets and other goodies. As a parent, though, you should be careful on the 31st. Your child could get dental problems if they go overboard on the treats. Luckily, your Temple dentist can help you avoid that outcome. Here are four Halloween oral health tips your child should follow for the holiday.


What are the Traits of a Beautiful Smile?

October 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 10:45 am
A closeup of a young blonde woman with a beautiful smile

Like most, you probably want a gorgeous grin. Good-looking teeth would help you make friends and expand your opportunities! Still, perhaps you don’t know the various traits of a beautiful smile. Getting pretty pearly whites will be hard if you don’t know what they need. Luckily, your local Temple dentist can help you out a bit. Here are four key qualities of a beautiful smile, as well as the dental treatments that can give them to you.


Gum Disease Facts You Ought to Know

September 21, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 3:41 pm
A closeup of a woman with gum inflammation

As a whole, September can seem rather humdrum. Many people see it as the first month of Fall and nothing more. Truthfully, though, September has another name – National Gum Care Month! As such, it’s a time to learn about your gum tissue and how best to protect it. Fortunately, your Temple dentist can help you honor this special occasion. To that end, here are four interesting gum disease facts you should know to keep your whole mouth safe.


Why Aren’t Whiter Teeth Always Healthier?

September 1, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 9:06 am
A man with white teeth looking off-camera

Like many, you may see a white smile as obviously strong. That’s only natural – pearly whites that live up to their name look clean and durable. (In contrast, yellowed enamel can seem sickly and weak.) Truthfully, though, white teeth aren’t necessarily healthy ones. Bright chompers can suffer oral issues, while a stained smile may still be strong. Should you like to learn more, your Temple dentist is happy to explain. To that end, here’s why white teeth aren’t always healthier.


Back-to-School Tips for Acing Your Next Dental Exam

August 18, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 10:41 am
A smiling student sitting around his textbooks

As a student, you’ve likely noticed that summer is ending. There’s thus a good chance that you’re prepping for your Fall semester classes. Still, this process involves more than learning a class schedule or buying textbooks. You’d do well to ace a back-to-school dental exam as well. Luckily enough, your local Temple dentist can help you do so. To that end, here are three crucial tips for passing your next dental checkup with flying colors.


How Cosmetic Dentistry Can De-Age Your Face

August 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 4:31 pm
A woman being prepped for cosmetic dentistry

Every so often, perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “Time waits for no man.” It generally means that life, death, and aging can’t be stopped. As such, you need to accept these realities and move forward confidently. In a way, though, it’s possible to turn back the clock. The fact is that cosmetic dentistry makes you look younger. With the field’s help, your face could reclaim some lost youth and vigor. Learn more about the matter in this summary from your local Temple dentist.


How to Manage a Dental Emergency on Summer Vacation

July 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 4:10 pm
An older man facing a dental emergency

When you start a summer trip, you’re normally ready to unwind. You have time away from work or school and want to use it well! Still, there’s always a chance you’ll face an urgent oral issue. Efforts and precautions can’t always prevent such incidents. As such, it’s best to know how to deal with dental emergencies on summer getaways. Fortunately, though, your local Temple dentist has advice on this subject. With that said, here are three ways to manage a dental emergency while on summer vacation.


Why Start Invisalign in Summer?

July 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 9:28 am
A smiling woman holding an Invisalign tray

Based on its benefits, you may want Invisalign for your smile. That’s a wise move – the treatment would straighten your grin quickly and easily. Still, perhaps you’re not sure when to begin the Invisalign process. The start time for aligner work isn’t always clearcut and obvious. Fortunately, there are good reasons to start Invisalign this summer. Your Temple dentist can even tell you a few of them. To that end, here’s a primer on why to start your Invisalign journey in the summer months.


A Few Good Ways to Seem More Approachable

June 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 9:47 am
Happy friends sitting on a beach and laughing

Summer is back again, meaning now’s a great time to socialize with the people around you. After all, this season is known for parties, vacations, festivals, and similar gatherings. Still, maybe you aren’t feeling up to the task. Perhaps you struggle to look helpful and welcoming in social settings. That said, it’s possible to make yourself seem more approachable. In fact, your Temple dentist knows how to go about it. Here are a few helpful tricks that can make you look agreeable and pleasant.

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