Can “Bad Teeth” Be Genetic?

March 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 10:55 pm
Family tree

Do you feel as if you are always dealing with some sort of dental issue? You might even feel like it doesn’t have much to do with your oral hygiene anymore – you just have “bad teeth.” While genetics and family life do play a role when it comes to your oral health, this doesn’t mean that you need to put up with dental issues your whole life. Here’s what you need to know about oral health and how heredity plays a role.


5 Dental Gifts You Can Gift Yourself for Valentine’s Day

February 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 5:02 pm
woman smiling for Valentine’s Day dental gifts in Temple

It’s the month of love and you’re looking to make the most of the time. Whether it’s to impress your crush or to spice up date night with your love of years, you probably want to up your game with a look that makes them say, “Wow!” If this is something you’re looking for, why not look into having a great smile? Read on to find out five special Valentine’s Day dental gifts in Temple you can give yourself to show your smile some love!


The Relationship Between Oral and Heart Health

February 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 9:15 pm
person smiling and making a heart with their fingers

Though many people associate February with Valentine’s Day, it’s also American Heart Health Month! This is a time dedicated to focusing on your cardiovascular health and learning how you can take better care of your heart. Eating well, exercising, and reducing stress are all ways to keep your heart in good condition, but how does your smile affect your cardiovascular health? Read on to learn how not maintaining good oral health and developing issues like gum disease can hurt your heart.


4 New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthy Smile

January 28, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 1:01 am
people celebrating on New Year’s Eve

Are you satisfied with your smile? According to a study done by The Journal of the Indian Prosthodontic Society, only about 58 % of people are highly satisfied with their smiles. If you’re part of the 42% that think their pearly whites could use some work, why not make a New Year’s resolution to get a healthy smile? If you need help coming up with a place to start, read on to learn about four resolutions that will have you ending the year with a healthier, more confident smile.


3 Diet Trends That Can Harm Your Oral Health

January 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 11:39 pm
two friends following diet trends by drinking fresh juice

It’s the beginning of the year, and that means many people are getting started on their resolutions. If you decided to make this the year that you finally take your health seriously, you may be trying to switch up your diet. This may involve looking into new trendy diets to see if you can find one that fits you. unfortunately, many of these diets mean bad news for your pearly whites. Read on to learn about three diet trends and how they can harm your smile.


Give the Gift of Oral Health This Holiday Season

December 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 10:34 pm
Christmas toothbrush illustration

What does Christmas morning success look like as a parent? Well, one answer doesn’t cover all parents, but it could be argued that seeing that look of excitement in your child’s eye after they tear the wrapping paper off a present or examine the goodies in their stocking means “Santa” did an excellent job!

When you select a gift they enjoy that helps keep them healthy, you both win. Read on to discover some ideas from your dentist in Temple for stocking stuffers that encourage kids to take good care of their teeth, plus some suggestions for their oral hygiene routine.


How Do I Get Rid of Bad Breath?

December 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 10:25 pm
bad breath man in close-up portrait

Bad breath is about as much fun as going to a concert for a genre of music you can’t stand. You simply would choose not to go, so you should make the decision not to put up with bad breath, either.

It is mostly thought of as unpleasant for others to be around, yet more importantly, when you have bad breath it is typically caused by bacteria being present on your teeth and debris on your tongue. Essentially, unless it’s from something you ate like onions or garlic, bad breath is a sign the environment in your mouth is not currently a positive one.

Keep reading to learn tips from your dentist in Temple about how to keep bad breath at bay.


Avoid These Bad Habits When You Have Dental Implants

November 24, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 8:44 pm
dental implants illustration

When you have missing teeth, there are several avenues you can pursue with your dentist, and all of them are better than taking no action. Many dentists will tell you that dental implants are the premier option for tooth replacement.

There are definitely some bad habits that can potentially ruin them, so read on to find out actions you should avoid after getting dental implants in Temple.


Take Your Smile into the Time Machine with Cosmetic Dentistry

November 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 8:34 pm
mature woman with veneers

Okay, maybe time machines aren’t actually a thing just yet, but there is another option that can work wonders to make you look younger. Cosmetic dentistry can upgrade your smile with several treatments for you to choose from.

Your cosmetic dentist in Temple will explain some ways that aging can affect your teeth and discuss some treatments they offer to help you turn back time.


4 Reasons to Get a Crown Before the New Year

October 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drfossum @ 6:54 pm

Dental crown at dentist in TempleA single dental crown is the most widely performed restorative procedure because of its versatility. Your dentist in Temple can use the restoration to repair a significantly damaged tooth to save it from extraction. The custom-made cap improves the health, appearance, and function of a tooth; however, it can be used along with other treatments as well, like a dental bridge. Despite the benefits, it’s normal to be concerned about paying for a crown, but there isn’t any reason to worry if you have dental insurance. Here are 4 reasons to get a crown before the end of the year.


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