Helpful Tips to Keep Your Child’s Teeth Safe This Halloween

October 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 6:09 pm
Halloween candy spilling out of orange trick or treat bucket

Your child has been training for Halloween like it’s the Olympics, bending their arm from an imaginary candy bowl to their mouth and back repetitively. Pointing to all the candy varieties in the grocery store that they will be enjoying for weeks to come.

Okay, maybe it’s not quite this intense, but odds are they are looking forward to eating a lot of candy. A lot.

As a parent, you’re probably more concerned about their teeth surviving this sugar surge than they are. Here are some Halloween oral health tips to consider from your dentist in Temple.


School Lunches and Their Effect on Your Child’s Oral Health

September 12, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 8:10 pm
example of healthy school lunch

Now that the new school year has begun, you’re doing your best to help your child adjust and flourish. As a parent, you’re always concerned about what he or she eats during the day. You want to be sure that it will provide adequate nourishment, but your dentist in Temple says there is something else to take into consideration – the effects the food will have on your child’s oral health. As you continue reading, learn the impact different foods can have.


An Easy Guide to Dental Implant Terms You Should Know

September 5, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 7:06 pm
older woman visits dentist in Temple

When it comes to effectiveness, smile aesthetics and longevity, dental implants stand in a class of their own. Through technological and procedural advancements, the implantation process has been simplified over the years. However, the associated terminologies can be a little intimidating for patients. So you can be better informed, your dentist in Temple says these are 7 dental implant terms you need to know. Continue reading to find out what they are!


Skipping These 5 Oral Hygiene Practices Could be Hurting You!

August 1, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 4:52 pm
woman listening to dentist in Temple

You are well aware of the importance of brushing your teeth daily. After all, you’ve been hearing about the threat of cavity development since you were a child. There are still many other ways you can protect your teeth and gums, though – some you may be familiar with but aren’t following. As you continue reading, your dentist in Temple lists 5 key oral hygiene practices that will help prevent problems down the road!


What to Expect to Happen at Your Dental Implant Consultation

July 28, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 4:19 pm
older woman learning about dental implants in Temple

Hands down, dental implants in Temple are the most effective way to replace missing teeth. Before the procedure gets underway, though, you’ll start with a consultation. What should you expect from your initial meeting with the oral surgeon? Thankfully, the process is rather simple. Continue reading to find out what’s in store for you.


How to Protect Yourself from a Dental Emergency This Summer

July 19, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 3:58 pm
happy woman visiting dentist in Temple

With the sun shining brightly, you’re excited about all the fun possibilities that summer holds. However, a dental emergency can quickly derail your plans and leave you in pain. A local dentist in Temple says that planning in advance is the best way to prevent having a dental mishap while enjoying the summer sun. Continue reading to discover what you can do to stay safe!


Why It’s Dangerous to Bargain Shop for Dental Implants

June 17, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 2:35 pm
man happy with his dental implants in Temple

It’s a natural human inclination to search for the best deal on goods and services. Everyone has the same goal – to keep more money in their pocket. However, when it comes to dental implants in Temple, taking the bargain route may be a big mistake. As you continue reading, learn why a quality form of tooth replacement should be your primary focus.


4 Reasons Why Summer’s the Best Time for Teeth Whitening!

June 5, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 2:18 pm
teeth whitening from dentist in Temple

The days are getting longer, and the sun is shining brighter. You recognize this familiar feeling – the approach of summer. This is the time of the year when countless events are held, which makes the condition of your smile all the more important. If you’re dealing with teeth stains or discoloration, continue reading to discover 4 reasons why now is the best time to have your teeth whitened by a dentist in Temple!


Will My Dental Implant Surgery be a Painful Experience?

May 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 8:37 pm
older woman with dental implants in Temple

You’ve considered the different options for replacing your missing teeth, and dental implants appear to be your best choice. There’s one problem, though: the potential of being in pain. Do you really have anything to worry about? Continue reading to find out if receiving dental implants in Temple is a painful process.


Here’s Why It’s of the Utmost Importance to Floss Daily!

May 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 8:57 pm
woman visiting dentist in Temple

Maintaining healthy teeth and gums isn’t complicated at all. It simply starts with practicing consistent and proper dental hygiene. Like most people, you’re sure to brush your teeth at least once or twice a day. What about flossing, though? Do you struggle to remain consistent in this area? If so, continue reading, as a dentist in Temple explains why flossing is so important!

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