Making Gums Great: Can Your Dentist Cure Gum Disease?

March 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 10:30 am

As widespread as it is, gum disease has some nasty effects. The condition can greatly damage your oral health if it’s allowed to spread. This can make you wonder if gum disease is even curable. Well, the truth is that it’s reversible when you get treatment early. Let your Temple dental practice explain how your dentist can cure gum disease and some ways to prevent it.

The Cure Depends on the Stage

In the end, whether your gum disease is curable depends on its stage. The condition takes one of two forms based on severity. The first is gingivitis, while the second is periodontitis.


Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease. It typically triggers symptoms like irritation, redness, swelling, and bleeding. In terms of causes, the issue stems from plaque buildup along and near the gum line, often due to chronically poor oral hygiene.

If you have gingivitis, your ailment is both treatable and reversible. Brushing and flossing twice daily should help your symptoms fade. Once you add a professional dental cleaning from your dentist, your gums will return to normal.


When left untreated for too long, gum disease shifts into periodontitis. The latter is a deeper infection that destroys mouth tissues and the bones supporting your teeth.

Sadly, a dentist can only manage gum disease when it becomes periodontitis. Once it has, it’ll have permanently damaged your bone and gum tissue. Root planing and scaling will merely halt the disease’s progress. If that’s not enough, you may well require surgery. Bone and tissue grafts will then seek to restore your damaged mouth.

Tips on Preventing Gum Disease

It’s better to prevent gum disease than let it reach an advanced stage. Luckily, there are several things you can do to avoid infected gums. Consider these sensible tips:

  • Practice Good Oral Hygiene – Always try to brush twice daily, floss once daily, and rinse with mouthwash. Sticking to these habits will keep your gums from getting inflamed.
  • Eat a Mouth-Healthy Diet – As best you can, reduce your intake of fatty and sugary foods. Instead, have meals with calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus that strengthen your gums.
  • See Your Dentist Regularly – Remember to see your dentist twice yearly (at least) for dental checkups and cleanings. That way, your gums won’t have a chance to gather much plaque.

Your dentist can help you manage your gum disease, but it’s best to prevent the issue in the first place. Either way, don’t hesitate if you need crucial care; your gums are simply too important to neglect!

About the Author

Dr. Richard Fossum is a dentist in Temple, TX, having earned his DDS from the UTHealth School of Dentistry. He’s very well-versed in preventive, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry, as well as emergency dental care and sleep apnea. That means you can count on him to treat your gum disease as well. Today, Dr. Fossum practices at his self-titled clinic and is reachable on his website and by phone at (254)-778-3900.

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